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The technical requirements and performance test methods of curtain wall sealing strips should meet t

Publisher: Oriental Rubber Industry    Time:2022-3-1 17:42:38    hot:

1. The technical requirements of the sealing strip shall comply with the following current national standards:
1) "Rubber and Latex Naming" (GB5576);
2) "Material Specification for Preformed Solid Vulcanized Structural Gaskets for Construction Rubber Gaskets" (GB10711);
3) "Industrial Rubber Sheet" (GB/T5574);
4) "Elastic Sealant for Insulating Glass" (JC486);
5) "Elastic Sealants for Building Windows" (JC485).
2. The main performance test method of the sealing strip shall comply with the following current national standards:
1) "Determination of Tear Strength of Vulcanized Rubber or Thermoplastic Rubber" (GB/T529);
2) "Test method for Shore A hardness of vulcanized rubber" (GB/T531);
3) "Determination of Density of Vulcanized Rubber" (GB/T533).